












  • 品號:3655048

  • 限定口味鮮奶芋頭
  • 早午餐首選火腿起酥三明治
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RINK RUCKUS: Some of the China team skated to mid-ice then unfurled a Chinese national flag and gesticulated toward the crowd until ushered away

By Grant Dexter / Staff reporter

Taiwan notched their third win at the Under-18 World Championship in Taipei yesterday — defeating Bulgaria 4-2 — a day after their encounter against China turned nasty seconds after the game finished 4-0 in favor of the visitors.

China lead Division III, undefeated through four games after their 12-0 dismantling of New Zealand yesterday, but they won no friends after China forward Wang Ziqiao (王梓喬) appeared to deliberately skate into a Taiwan player after the final siren in their game on Friday.

A melee resulted, with sticks scattered over the ice as players traded blows and bottles, and even a chair, were thrown into the rink.

Video footage showed China defenseman Cui Yunjie throwing the chair back over the glass into an area where spectators can walk.

As the referees struggled to regian control, some of the China team skated to mid-ice, where they unfurled a Chinese national flag and gesticulated toward the crowd until being ushered to the bench.

Reports said that the China players were furious with spectators for shouting at them to “go back to China.”

Taiwanese linesman Chantal Liao, who was not officiating, but was a photographer at the game, described the situation as a “vicious circle.”

China were angry about the spectators yelling, so they hit our [Taiwan] player, causing the spectators to yell more,” she said.

Wang and fellow China forward Wang Jing (王京) were penalized and suspended for one game for their roles in the fracas.

The game itself was a fractious affair, with 18 penalties shared between the two sides before the two after the siren.

China were on the receiving end, penalized 12 times in regulation time, including all six that were handed out in the second period, for throwing a stick or any object, delaying the game, boarding, misconduct and too many men on the ice.

Taiwan are second-equal among the six teams, adding wins over Turkey, 8-1 on Tuesday, and New Zealand, 3-2 on Wednesday, to yesterday’s result. Israel also have three wins after beating Turkey 6-2 yesterday, while Bulgaria have one and New Zealand none.

The final round of games is on tomorrow at the Taipei Annex Arena, with China to play Turkey in the first game, Bulgaria taking on New Zealand and Taiwan to play Israel in the last game, which is to begin at 8pm.




在智慧型手機使用率趨於飽和的當口,或許發展模組化手機是一個環保又保險的解決方案,撇開已經放棄模組化的 LG,目前市場上真正繼承模組化手機的有Fairphone,以及併入聯想集團的 Moto 公司所推展的 Moto Mods;Lenovo 亞太智慧手機銷售部總監 蔡漢威,接受台灣媒體訪問時透露將持續擴大 Moto Mods 的佈局,並透露 Moto 會在台灣長久經營。

所謂「模組化手機」的概念,其實有點類似古早時代 DIY 電腦的概念,使用者可以用同樣一套主機板、CPU,然後依照自己的需求組裝成同 CPU 等級的中高階產品,不過模組化手機的概念比較偏向環保,最早是由荷蘭設計師哈金斯(Dave Hakkens)在 2013 年 9 月所提出的「積木手機」(Phoneblok)概念,主要希望人們珍惜地球資源,手機哪些模組需要升級,便去購買模組來升級,而這項計畫除了被荷蘭當地廠商所支持,當年併入 Motorola 的 Google 公司,更是集合內部開發團隊的所有資源加速推展該項計畫,而中間經過了 Motorola 手機部門轉讓等各項內部因素,Google 公司於去年宣布暫停 ARA 計畫,卻在前 Moto 總裁回歸Google 擔任硬體資深副總裁之後,於 MWC 2017 期間證實ARA 模組化手機開發進度仍進行中。

即便如此,也不代表符合 ARA 標準的產品有機會在今年推展至全球市場,而最早投入發展該項計畫的 Motorola,在加入聯想集團之後,稍微改變了原先「積木手機」(Phoneblok)的想法,推出以 Moto Z 為核心的 Moto Mods,同樣帶有模組化手機的概念,差別在於手機本體是完全設計好的,其模組的概念跟 LG G5 都是一樣的,透過擴充某一個模組,讓手機附帶其他更多功能。

Lenovo 亞太智慧手機銷售部總監 蔡漢威接受台灣媒體訪問時,說明這些 Moto Mods 其實早已經開源,提供給各界開發,他甚至打開indiegogo 的頁面,展示目前開發 Mods 的新創團隊點子的活躍度,他也透露,其實 Moto 內部也都會持續不斷的到處參考這些新的點子,覺得有不錯的,就會主動聯繫、並且給予支持,同時也會在各地舉辦「Moto 開發者大會」,提升開發動能,當然也不排除考慮在台灣市場舉辦類似的活動。

概念來說,目前支援 Moto Mods 模組的手機,其實僅有Moto Z 與 Moto Z Play 兩款手機,但是蔡漢威說明,就是因為這兩款手機,讓 Moto 公司相信 Moto Mods 這條路是正確的路,因此內部早已持續開發更多 Moto Mods 模組,經過現場展示,這些模組包括第二代的揚聲器、包括可加掛 Sony DSC-QX10、QX100 的外掛式手機鏡頭模組、甚至還有與Harman Kardon 等第三方合作的揚聲器模組、還有樂高積木模組、類似任天堂Switch的遊戲手把模組、還有類似LG Pocket photo的隨身列印模組、類似華碩Padfone 的二合一平板模組、當然還有加掛電池模組、無線充電模組、快充模組等等,讓人想像到智慧型手機的無限可能。

蔡漢威更近一步透露,這些模組在 Moto 內部都有全球推廣計畫,但是不完全會全數引進台灣市場,這包括市場需求問題,還有台灣法規的問題,舉例來說,像是擴充電池模組,他認為對消費者來說是很有幫助的,可是安規牽涉到後續的訂價與推展時程等問題,讓內部非常頭痛。

經過蔡漢威說明,Moto 公司未來會朝向 Moto Z 等級的更新,消費者購買手機之後「至少可以支援三代Moto Mods」,而手機本身包括鏡頭位置、晶片接口位置是最基本不會改變,手機大小基本上也會維持現有的 5.5 吋,當然隨著技術眼鏡,他也不排除未來的 Moto Z 系列手機可以在同樣的手機大小塞入 5.7 吋或更大的螢幕,但是基本要求都是「同樣的手機大小」,這項消息相信可以讓開發者安心,更可以讓現有購入 Moto Mods 的消費者放心了。

在台灣 2017 年的規劃當中,蔡漢威也透露台灣市場的消息,團隊未來每一季會引進 3~5 款 Moto Mods 模組,在手機方面,除了 Moto Z、X 等高階機種外,未來也可望帶入 G 系列的中階機種,Z 系列大約是一年一機,當然,再次說明,未來支援 Moto Mods 的產品會以這些中高階手機為主,原因很簡單,中高階的手機晶片在驅動這些 Moto Mods 才能擁有比較好的使用者體驗。


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